There Is No Hope Of Doing Perfect Research

I absolutely agree with this statement of Griffith about doing a perfect research. Perfect in my opinion is the ideal situation or condition in every respect. Who is doing the perfect research? Obviously we, Human! The fact is that, man himself is not perfect then how can we assume that his doings will be perfect. There is an apparent distance between perfection and appropriation, which can never be bridged by human or machine. People often assume most appropriate as the perfect. In research scenarios same assumption is made usually. Research in its real meaning itself suggests “Re Search” or “Search Again”, i.e. unstoppable process, therefore its own meaning counter every statement that can be brought in favor of the possibilities of doing perfect research.

If there is any possibility of doing perfect research then most of the studies could not be elaborated further. Take an example of “Management” the subject has been discovered or researched centuries before and itself covers all aspects of management process. But recent-past researches done by renowned scholars across the world revealed that there is still significant room to explore or research management further, as a result, now we have branches or sub-categories of management such as Knowledge Management, HR Management, Production Management and etc.

One aspect, which firmly favors the topic statement, i.e. who will decide the ultimate perfection of a research? People of different school of thoughts have different opinions and convictions. A perfect research report done by one person may be piece of raw data for someone else, as Elizabeth A. Stasny states “Research ideas come to different people in different ways.” Let me sharing my own experiences on this though, my sociology teacher gave my group a task to do research on human behavior, the question was, will they react or not? If they see someone is stealing something from superstore. We interviewed hundreds of people shopping in different superstores and concluded our research that ninety-six percent people, of different professions, beliefs, and etc, will react in someway they possibly could, the remaining four percent replied they either ignore or let them doing it. We concluded our research and supposed that we did the great job, but our teacher suggested that they are several other aspects, which have direct or indirect influence of human decisions in such situation. By given the example of the society, he explained that different societies have different influences on the people, the research may be good for our society, but cannot be applied to other societies.

Another experience, which strengthen my believe more in the topic statement, is when I researched on e-books; the topic was regarding the ethical issues in writing and selling e-books. I did detailed research on almost every factor that linked to the given topic. From writing to its distribution and selling. I examined dozens of elements on both sides i.e. author and distributors/markers. The research was done perfectly from my standpoint, my teacher also appreciated my efforts, but she further pointed out regarding, ethical issues at the consumer’s/reader’s end. When I started searching again, I found number of the factors, which relates to the new dimension of the topic.

Therefore I strongly support the statement that there is no hope of doing perfect research. The word – Research - by its mean derbies its potential recurring nature, and anything that leaves further quires cannot be defined as accomplished or perfect. “Doing qualitative research is by nature a reflective and recursive process.”(Ely, Margot, et al. 179) Although researches do help us to get solutions, but we cannot apply them forever, they are applicable only for limited time.

Works Cited

Ely, Margot, et al. Doing Qualitative Research: Circles within Circles. London: Falmer Press.

1991. Print.

Stasny, Elizabeth A.” Some Random Thoughts on Doing Research”. The American Statistician.

58 (2006): Web.